
Sex: Female
Estimated DOB: 10/03/2024
Status: Not spayed
Size: Small (Estimated adult size 10 - 15kg)
Availability: At Romanian shelter ready for Foster or Sponsorship

Required Home:

  • Urban, Suburban, or Semi-rural/rural home

  • Can live with or without dogs

  • Can live with cats

  • Can live with children 4+


Wildrose Website Bio

If you look up “resilient” in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of Wildrose. After being found in one of the worst states imaginable, this little pup defied all the odds and is a thriving rose in bloom. 

Remus (Elisa’s husband) was driving home from work and saw a puppy at the side of the road. She was in bad shape and was covered in maggots and looked to have been hit by a car. She was rushed to the vets and on closer inspection we found that flies had laid their eggs internally and now they were hatching and coming out of her mouth and anus. She was sedated whilst the vet team worked hard to extract them, she was flushed with betadine, given an antibacterial bath and inspected for the rest of her injuries. The vet suspects that the injuries she sustained from a hit and run is what attracted the flies in the first place.

It was touch and go for a moment but this little pup started perking up really quickly, first at the vets and then at home with Elisa while she recovered. There was some daily butt cream application that was needed so she wasn’t ready for the shelter just yet. After her surprisingly swift recovery at the vets, (the only sign of her past is her temporary little bald-butt, but she pulls the look off well), she was then allowed to move in with some puppy pen mates at the shelter, and after learning the ropes from the others, she discovered her natural puppy instincts!

Our girl is filled with energy and joie de vivre! The most amazing thing is that, despite all she has endured in a short time, she adores affection. She is happy to be touched and handled and picked up, even on her rear where her previous injury was.

Wildrose took to the harness and lead without issue and happily explored on a small adventure. As she was not yet fully vaccinated we could not take her very far or mix her with lots of dogs, but she got along very well with her fellow pen mates, eagerly saying hello and returning invitations to play. 

With her fur growing back, and all her vaccinations now in order, Wildrose is ready for a home of her own. WIll you be the one to let her put down some roots?

If you think you have the love and patience required to be Wildrose’s forever, please complete our adoption form and express your interest in her today!