Our Rainbow Bridge Dogs

Gone but never forgotten, leaving ever lasting pawprints on our hearts.

Our Rainbow Bridge dogs have forever left a massive impact on the shelter, volunteers and our followers’ hearts. While they never go to experience a life in our adopters’ wonderful homes, they received the best care and life possible, funded by our people like you who sponsored them, and loved on by Elisa and our volunteers who visit the shelter.

  • Domino

    08/06/2022 - 08/05/2024

    On the 6th September 2022, Domino and his brother Ringo were found at the side of a rural, high speed road on the outskirts of Solca, Romania. Elisa was en-route to dropping some of her dogs to the happy bus and spotted the boys roadside. Scared and using a drainpipe to shelter, these two brothers huddled together for comfort. Elisa knew she couldn’t leave them there, as their fate was speeding past.

    They were brought back to the shelter where they became part of the Lucky’s family. As they grew, so did their bond. They also adored other dogs and made fast friends with everyone that joined them in the play area. However they became very nervous and fearful of new people, and though curious, it took much longer for them to warm to new faces.

    For over a year we searched for their homes with no luck until March 2024.

    We received an email from an amazing lady in America who had experience with nervous dogs. She had a freehold and looked after many different species and she wanted to adopt Ringo. The research began to find out how feasible this option could be.

    We partnered with an amazing rescue in the US who agreed to help get both brothers over to America. They would support Ringo’s adoption and also work with Domino to get him adopted too.

    The unicorn dream came true, but no sooner had the works started than the dream turned into a nightmare.

    On the 8th May 2024 Lenny came in to check on the boys like every other morning and noticed Domino could not get up. Elisa rushed Domino straight to the vets for testing where they found he was already hypothermic.

    Test after test kept coming back negative while he received medication and treatment for hypothermia. His last test came back with one positive line. For Babesia.

    Babesia is a tick bourne disease, and common at this time of year as the tick population is at its highest. It is ‘normally’ very treatable especially in strong adult dogs.

    He received the medication he needed but within hours our beautiful gentle giant slipped away with the vets and Elisa at his side.

    We are beyond broken that Domino never got his happily ever after, and are still in disbelief that a big strong healthy boy like himself was taken so unbelievably quickly by this disease.

  • Magic

    Unknown - 13/06/23 (Estimated to be 12/13 years old)

    Magic was one of our longest term residents after being rescued by Elisa in October 2020 following a life on the streets - she was severely malnourished and was suffering from mange.

    Thanks to all your support, she was able to grow old gracefully in a loving environment. She became unrecognisable to the dog first rescued - she put on weight and was given medication for her skin condition.

    During the summer months, Magic was the queen of the castle (sanctuary) and liked to keep a watchful eye on all the other residents from Elder Paws.

    It was so important for Magic to be kept warm in winter months - she was an older dog at around 12 years old and suffered from arthritis and so when the temperature dropped, she would be transported to the vets where a warm space awaited. Magic always brought a smile to the vets faces when she greeted them at the gate to the surgery gate. Whilst in the care of the shelter, she was also treated for a mammary tumour.

    Over time, Magic’s health started to deteriorate, she became unable to walk and showed signs of pain. It was devastating for us to lose Magic but we are so thankful that we could show Magic care, safety and love - everything she deserved. Magic passed the rainbow bridge 13 June 2023 with Elisa by her side. She will always hold a special place in our hearts and will never be forgotten. We will love Magic forever.