
Sex: Female
Estimated DOB: 5 months old
Status: Not spayed
Size: Extra large (45kg + when fully grown, currently 23kg)
Availability: At Romanian shelter ready for Foster or Sponsorship

Required Home:

  • Rural/semi rural or suburban

  • Can live with or without dogs

  • Can live with cats

  • Can live with children 8+, due to her size


Zuzu was found running around on the road by Remus’ cousin. Our immediate thoughts were that she must have been abandoned at the roadside and clipped by a car because she was limping and couldn't bear weight on one of her front legs. Incredibly friendly and grateful Remus was able to catch her easily and she was taken to the vet immediately for assessment. Upon further examination and multiple X-rays and second opinions we found that Zuzu was born with a genetic deformity in her front legs. 

Despite her size, Zuzu is a puppy and she is only 5 months old and already a whopping 23kg dispute being completely underweight and malnourished for her build. As she grew it's likely her deformity became more pronounced and that was why she'd been abandoned. 

Zuzu’s prognosis is not good. She needs surgery immediately. Her X-rays showed signs of Panosteitis (which is like growing pains), hypertrophic osteodystrophy and a lack of D3.Her hips and back legs are thankfully clear of dysplasia and we will continue to monitor this as she grows. She is currently on daily supplements and pain killers whilst the vets make a surgical plan. With surgery to correct her legs, Zuzu’s future is bright. 

Zuzu is incredibly human friendly, probably one of the most human friendly doggos we have ever had! She was happy to be picked up (not sure if your back will be as happy) and touched, happy to be examined by the vets and was eager to approach adult strangers and humans on the streets. We speculate she may have been abandoned for being “too friendly” but obviously there is no such thing in our eyes!

Unfortunately when she was found she was covered in dirt and burrs, and her fur was all tangled on the edge of being matted. However after an in-depth groom she is looking glamorous and seemed to take this free spa treatment leisurely, stretching out with her belly up waiting for more!

Zuzu loves FOOD! She very much enjoyed every mouthful you gave her and took it gently and wasn’t concerned that humans were near her water or food. 

Due to her injuries Zuzu is currently in a pen on her own and her exercexercise is restricted, however she did spend some time with a few large adult dogs in the Elder Paws area and approached and happily enjoyed their company with a wagging tail. She hopped around to say hello and also really enjoyed playing in the water bucket!

Harness and lead was accepted with zero fuss and she managed a few short and slow walks around Solca town, unphased about the traffic and wanted to say hello to all the humans! 

She loved puppy toys, particularly the labels! Despite her size she still is only a puppy, and used her giant paws to nib at them. 

We are confident that she has livestock guardian breed in her so as she matures more breed specific needs will appear and this can take up 3 years to show. Ideally we want to rehome to a home with livestock/large dog experience. She ideally will need plenty of space as she grows so a suburban, rural/semi-rural environment would be the best. 

If you think you have the love and patience required to be Zuzu’s forever, please complete our adoption form and express your interest in her today!